Videos and mp3s from Was (not Was)
Wonderful Was (Not Was) video (looking youthful from the 80’s) on YouTube. The lip-sync of ‘Walk The Dinosaur’ is as painful as anything from this era, but just wait for the interview at the end of the video – hilarious and brilliant. — Thanks to Mark.
Was (Not Was) recorded in Portland and Seattle, 17 May 2008, available as MP3, WAV and (soon) FLAC files.
Thanks to Ted.
Thanks to Dave (No, not that one) we now have a torrent of the Cabooze show in Minneapolis from 13 May 2008.
Check out the Traders Den.
Now available at The Archive without sign on.
Thanks to Red.
Thanks to Red
Just in from Sleepypedro:
“My recording of the 5/3/08 (annapolis) is up on now. please tell the world!”
He has made it available as 24-bit or 16-bit recording.
If you want an MP3 version please ask on the Discussion Group
Thanks Sleepypedro!
With thanks to Dan you can get a recording of this show on MP3 from his website, or ask him about a FLAC copy which has much better audio quality.
Thanks to Craig
Thanks to craig!
Video of Crazy Water from Boo!
A great collection of live videos.
On Youtube
On Youtube
Seven songs from the last night at the Jazz Cafe, London available at Youtube
Was (Not Was) Live at Ram’s Head Onstage on 2005-01-05 – Was (Not Was)
Was (Not Was) January 5, 2005 Ram’s Head Onstage Annapolis MD *** THIS IS A 16-BIT FILESET INTENDED FOR AUDIO CD ***
Was (Not Was) Live at Trocadero (Upstairs Bar) on 2006-01-07 – Was (Not Was)
Was (Not Was) January 7, 2005 Trocadero (Upstairs Bar) Philadelphia PA *** THIS IS A 16-BIT FILESET INTENDED FOR AUDIO CD ***
Don provides access to whole bunch of stuff , including
Dance or Die
Hello Operator
I Feel Better Than James Brown
Where Did Your Heart Go
Sweet Pea on vocals, David on harp, Don on string bass, Wayne Kramer on guitar, David McMurray on sax and, possibly Randy Jacobs on guitar and Narada Michael Walden on drums. From a forthcoming album that consists of covers of Bob Dylan songs performed in the style of early 50’s Chicago blues.
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I would love any information you have on Was (Not Was) for inclusion on this site. Photos, discography details, concert reviews, etc. If you think you have something that I could use please let me know.
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